JPH Mining NV

We a privately-owned mining company tasked with the exploitation of minerals and ores from the rich Surinamese soil

Welcome to JPH Mining NV

In recent years we have grown into a company where diversification of the Surinamese economy and sustainable development of people and the environment are paramount. JPH Mining NV is taking the lead in this by investing revenues from non-renewable resources in establishing and developing sustainable industries.

Our Philosophy

We create value for all our stakeholders whlst making sure we remain at the forefront of sustainable and evirnomentally friendly mining. We duly invest in our team members and mining technology in order to achieve these goals. We do this with the aim to preserve our precious environment for future generation.

From idea to execution

We bring mining ideas to life. This is our goal, so we make every effort to create the perfect mining solution at every turn..

Our mining technology

We make use of the ste-of-the-art and energy efficient mining techgnolgies to ensure we operate viable mining operations.


We fall back on a sonsumate group ogeologists and mining engineers to complete our challenging tasks.. 

Satisfaction guaranteed

Our stakeholder welfare and benefit are at the core of our operational principles as well as divesity and inclusion..
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